From fiber to thread!
- From fiber to thread – How are threads created?
*The base*
At the origin of all textile materials is the fiber . The fiber is a bit like a hair, that is to say a long, thin and flexible element that can be of animal origin (like wool), vegetable (cotton) or synthetic (polyester). They are classified into 3 main categories (we will come back to this in more detail in another article 😉):
- Natural when they exist in their natural state and are not modified (cotton, linen, silk, etc.)
- Artificial Chemicals when they require the intervention of chemistry to be created from natural raw materials (viscose, cupro, etc.)
- Synthetic when they come from hydrocarbons (especially polyester)
To create a yarn, natural and artificial fibers are put together and held together by a twist that is given to them. Basically, you take all the fibers, mix them together, and twist them together until you make a longer, stronger yarn.
There are 2 directions of twisting: they can be “twisted” in 2 directions: Z direction and S direction (corresponding to the direction of twisting from right to left or from left to right).
Sometimes, in order to have an even more resistant thread, there are also twisted threads which are the mixture of 2 or more threads twisted together.
When the fiber is synthetic, it is a liquid that solidifies, it is a crystalline polymer obtained after passing through a die. Basically, a liquid passes through a tool with a hole that forms the thread at the exit in contact with the air.
*The image*
Photo credit: Filature Arpin in Savoie where wool spinning know-how is perpetuated (@8montblanc)
*The experience*
If you want, you can try with a scrap of fabric at home, unweave or unravel by pulling on a thread at the cut edge and take out a piece of thread. Hold this piece of thread between your fingers and try to turn it in the opposite direction to its twist, you will see that after a while, the thread will break because the fibers will no longer be twisted together (you have to turn it in the right direction).
*The balance sheet*
It all starts with fiber 😊